The Body Politic (Ep28)

Jessica becomes entangled in european politics when she comes to the aid of yet another dear old friend running as a political candidate. When the candidate's campaign manager is murdered, Jessica must help prove her innocence.

Eat more baguettes!

Playlist in comments.


DJ.P. Fletcher said...

Karman - Poker
Die Doraus Und Die Marinas - Fred Vom Jupiter
Meinrad Jungblut - Sonnendeck
Paula - Als es Paassierte (Andreas Dorau Remix)
Deux - Game & Performance
Bene Gesserit - Kidnapping
Guyer's Connection - She's So Hot
Our Daughter's Wedding - Lawn Chairs
Family Fodder - Savoir Faire
Gang 90 - Jack Kerouac
Nancy Nova - The Force
Telex - Brainwash
Padded Cell - City of Lies
The Flying Lizards - The Window
Amoebas in Chaos - Designer Genes
Judy Nylon - Jailhouse Rock
Vita Noctis - Hades


Murder, she Podcasted. © 2010