Murder to a Disco Beat (Ep33)

Jessica steps herself into shape after drinking too many ales with Harry McGraw at the Cabot Cove Inn — Too much partying and too many murders can drive an old woman batty. While toweling off in the changeroom, she notices an arm sticking out of a locker.

Sweating ensues.
Playlist in comments.


DJ.P. Fletcher said...

Beryl Cunningham - Why oh Why
Bamboo - Spaceship Crashing
Brenda Mitchell - Don't You Know
Valerie Allington - Stop
Maxine Dee - Menhungry
Nightrider Theme
52nd Street - Can't Afford to Let You Go
Lizzy Mercier Descloux - Fire
Arthur Russell - Loose Joints
Ronnie Jones - Video Games
Donna Rouge - Fake


Murder, she Podcasted. © 2010