The thespians of Cabot Cove put on a play about a 17th century woman who cursed the town before she was executed as a witch. I take no responsibility in demons appearing after listening.
Contains excerpts from Vincent Price's Witchcraft and Magic: An Adventure in Demonology and Ghouls Glide from Spooky Sound Effects LP Faux Fox - Brass Ring Paul McCollough - Untitled 2 from "The Majorettes" The Human League - Being Boiled (Fast Version) Su Kramer - Magic Dance Chromatics - Healer GLEITZEIT - Nuclearvision A Deadly Forest - The Crawler Der Zyklus - Quasar Fred Myrow & Malcolm Seagrave - The Tall Man on Main Street Ennio Morricone - Sterilization Ennio Morricone - Magic and Ecstasy
Contains excerpts from Vincent Price's Witchcraft and Magic: An Adventure in Demonology and Ghouls Glide from Spooky Sound Effects LP
Faux Fox - Brass Ring
Paul McCollough - Untitled 2 from "The Majorettes"
The Human League - Being Boiled (Fast Version)
Su Kramer - Magic Dance
Chromatics - Healer
GLEITZEIT - Nuclearvision
A Deadly Forest - The Crawler
Der Zyklus - Quasar
Fred Myrow & Malcolm Seagrave - The Tall Man on Main Street
Ennio Morricone - Sterilization
Ennio Morricone - Magic and Ecstasy
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